Be Exhorted! 4/30/2024

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Saints, with the power of God’s strength in and upon you, God will give you the gift of Faith, stirring you with Hope, to continue to keep your gaze upward upon the Kingdom of Heaven, knowing His thoughts and will! PRAISE GOD!

In my book “Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ,” I teach how all strongholds are hypnosis, allowing unclean spirits to attach to the receptor level in your body, specifically the G Protein-Coupled Receptor (GPCR). Since the discovery of DNA, the GPCR is the greatest universe to be found in the human body, in the 1970s, to which scientists have only scratched the surface.

Your perception and behavior come from the GPCR, which I discuss exhaustively in “Mindfulness, the Mind of Christ,” Beginning in Chapter 4, throughout the rest of the book. I only touch on the intracellular activity in Chapter 9 of the book and will expound further on the GPCR and synaptic weakening and strengthening of neurons, as well as dendrites of neurons, in the follow up book “The Forbidden Fruit, the Spiritual Disease.”

In saying all of this, the Lord placed it on my heart early this morning to emphasize that ALL STRONGHOLDS ARE HYPNOSIS, A FALSE REALITY IN WHICH THE SOUL DWELLS in the expression of the Kingdom of the world, bringing the reflection of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which you project throughout your existence.

God in you, Jesus in you, IS GREATER than satan in this world! Your freedom by the Spirit of the Lord, is only a fraction of a second a way, when you resist the devil, and he will flee, as God brings the anointing from on High, pouring it out upon your entire being, renewing and refreshing your mind, loosing the strongholds that have attached to the memories in your body at the GPCR, SETTING YOU FREE IN THE IMAGE OF CHRIST JESUS!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!

Many don’t walk in the power of the Kingdom of Heaven; the first sign that the Kingdom of Heaven has come, is that demons are cast out!!!!! Strongholds are broken, hypnoses are deprogrammed, exposed and deposed!

Jesus proclaims in Matthew 12:28:

“But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out the demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you [before you expected it].” MATTHEW 12:28 AMPC

Saints, the hypnosis of your bondage, begins with the power of suggestion. The more you listen to the lies of the enemy, the more you give up a piece of your soul. Be on the wise, God is greater than the lion who roams around seeking whom he may destroy. GOD IS GREATER, JESUS IN YOU IS GREATER!!!!!

God will raise His standard, when the enemy comes in like a flood, causing the enemy to flee in seven directions!!! Isaiah 59:19!

God bless!

Robin Kirby Gatto

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